News & Articles By Frances Bloomfield
By Frances Bloomfield
Why you should avoid aspartame at all costs
Among artificial sweeteners, one of the most common and controversial is aspartame. This zero-calorie sweetener, typically used in a number of foods and beverages as a sugar substitute, has been the subject of intense scrutiny in recent years. There is a multitude of reasons for this, many of which should give you pause for thought […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Visual cues found to help people make better food choices
People who look after their well-being usually choose healthy foods over unhealthy ones, but how do you get other people to do the same? According to a team of investigators from Stony Brook University, the answer isn’t the nutritional profile of food: It’s all down to visual cues. “Improving the diets of less health-conscious individuals […]
By Frances Bloomfield
The hidden health dangers of microwave popcorn
When it comes to snacking, popcorn is usually thought of as one of the healthier snacks out there. It’s low in calories, rich in antioxidants, and offers a satisfying way to get your daily fill of whole grain goodness. But that’s if you opt for plain, air-popped popcorn. According to, microwave popcorn is anything […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Processed food is fueling the obesity epidemic, putting people at increased risk of heart disease and stroke, research suggests
Eating too many processed foods will make you fat; this in turn makes you more susceptible to a plethora of diseases. We know that to be the case here in the U.S. But this seems to be happening in the U.K. as well. According to a team of researchers from the University of São Paulo, […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Teaching children about the causes of obesity helps reduce it, study confirms… so why aren’t schools teaching kids about junk foods?
Could health education help combat childhood obesity? That question is what Tabitha Blasingame of the Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital sought to answer in her paper. On determining whether or not health education could contribute to better food and lifestyle choices, she discovered that it very well could. For her study, Blasingame recruited 15 high school […]
By Frances Bloomfield
You are being conned: Former Big Food ad exec unveils marketing tricks used by food manufacturers that persuade you to “super-size it”
Many believe in the saying “bigger is better”, and it’s this adage that has become a common marketing ploy in the food industry. According to former McDonald’s advertising executive Dan Parker, this is but one of many tricks being used to fool people into eating supersized food portions. Another one is to reduce the size […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Sparkling or flat? Doctor explains how fizzy water contributes to overeating, weight gain
Sparkling or carbonated water is a delight to drink, no doubt, but did you know that it can add inches to your waistline? This is a fact that Palestinian researchers first put out in a study, wherein rats who were given sugary water with added bubbles became fatter and hungrier than rats who had flat, […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Study finds adjusting the price of 7 key foods may save thousands of lives every year
Reducing the number of deaths related to cardiovascular diseases and diabetes can be accomplished through simple price changes. This was the suggestion put forth by a radical new study, one spearheaded by Tufts University researchers. They discovered that taxing unhealthy foods (processed meat, unprocessed red meat, and sugar-sweetened beverages) while subsidizing healthy foods (fruits, vegetables, […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Food preservatives and chemical additives found to promote obesity… is this why America is so overweight?
While canned goods and chips may not be healthiest foods in the world, new research has revealed that they’re even worse than originally thought. The preservatives and chemical additives that help these foods maintain their freshness may actually disrupt metabolism and lead to obesity. That’s what investigators from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, Calif., […]
By Frances Bloomfield
According to new science, food choice quality matters as much as calories
Though food quantity has long been associated with good health, food quality may in fact play a much bigger role, especially in mid to late adulthood. A long-term, high-quality diet can minimize the chances of developing cardiometabolic conditions later in life. That was the conclusion that researchers came to in a new multi-ethnic cohort study […]
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