News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
Sweet and empty: Using sugar substitutes won’t really help you lose weight, says study
Sugar substitutes are unquestionably bad for you, but many people who are trying to lose weight aren’t exactly averse to taking on a few risks if they think it will help them reach their goal faster. Unfortunately, those who make this choice are putting their health in danger for no good reason as studies show […]
By Cassie B.
Diet soda definitively linked to increased stroke, heart attack risk
Many people choose to drink diet soda because they believe it can help them keep their weight under control. Although science has shown this isn’t really the case, there’s an even better reason to shun these artificially sweetened drinks as a new study has linked drinking two diet sodas or more per day to a […]
By Cassie B.
Some of the most popular orange juice brands found to be contaminated with glyphosate weedkiller
Many people think of orange juice as a health food because it comes from fruit. Although it’s undoubtedly better to eat the whole fruit from a nutritional standpoint, drinking orange juice certainly isn’t bad, right? The scary truth is that if you consume one of the many popular brands of orange juice recently found to […]
By Cassie B.
Emerging research concludes that the Western diet is a “disease vector” on par with influenza
When you think of the causes of diseases, what comes to mind? Many people are quick to think of infections like influenza or hepatitis, but there is one very important disease vector that deserves a lot of attention yet seems to be largely overlooked: the unhealthy Western diet. After all, the Western diet has been […]
By Cassie B.
A science-fiction look at how we’ll eat 20 years in the future
While many of us turn up our noses at the lime-green jello or spam concoctions of yesteryear, the truth is that a lot of today’s popular foods are equally disgusting; Unicorn Frappuccino, anyone? However, when you compare many of the more natural foods we have now to what it was like in the past, the […]
By Cassie B.
Eating processed food decreases gut bacteria diversity by 40% in just 10 days
You know that eating processed food is horrible for your health, but have you ever stopped to think about what it is exactly that makes it so bad for you? Of course, preservatives like nitrates are linked to a higher risk of cancer, and all the sugar in these foods can raise your risk of […]
By Cassie B.
Trendy Impossible Burger is actually made with questionable ingredients such as GMOs
Have you heard of the new vegan burger that “bleeds” just like a real hamburger? Known as the Impossible Burger, it’s been turning up in hundreds of restaurants and fast food outlets around the country lately. This food product garnered a lot of hype when it was in development. It attracted $400 million in funding […]
By Cassie B.
Proposed California law would make it illegal for restaurants to serve soda as the default beverage with kids’ meals
If you’ve ever dined out with children, you’re probably aware that kids’ menus in restaurants leave a lot to be desired. In fact, the choices usually go something like this: burgers made with questionable meat and fillers, deep-fried chicken nuggets, or perhaps pizza served with a side of French fries and your choice of soft […]
By Cassie B.
Research finds that MSG is dangerous to liver health
MSG is a common flavor enhancer, and many people swear that certain foods simply don’t taste the same without it. That better taste, however, comes with a price as MSG is known to cause a variety of health problems. Research shows it’s particularly dangerous for the health of your liver. In a study published in […]
By Cassie B.
BEWARE of pseudo-scientific propaganda: Why meal replacement products are not as nutritious as they claim to be
Cooking is a very enjoyable pastime for many people. Taking the effort to find healthy ingredients, trying out different recipes and adjusting them until you get the flavor exactly how you want it, and then sitting down and enjoying the fruits of your labor with loved ones can be very rewarding and has benefits to […]
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