News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
Understanding the differences between sugars: white, brown, raw, molasses, honey, agave
By now, most of us are aware of the health dangers of high-fructose corn syrup and do our best to avoid it, and most health-conscious individuals won’t go anywhere near sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose. However, sticking to natural sugar isn’t as straightforward as it sounds given the many options available. Which type of natural […]
By Cassie B.
New menu item coming soon: Frankenmeat grown in a lab expected by the end of the year
Just when you thought the products sold on grocery store shelves couldn’t possibly deviate any further from the real food provided by nature, Frankenmeats grown in labs are poised to join the other engineered abominations at your local supermarket by the end of the year. This so-called “clean” in-vitro meat is created by taking stem […]
By Cassie B.
Skyrocketing cancer rates driven by processed food, warn researchers
If you’re still eating processed foods, the latest study in the British Medical Journal should be enough to steer you away from this dangerous habit. That’s because French researchers have found that the skyrocketing rates of cancer deaths can be pinned on the popularity of processed foods like sodas, sugary cereals, and ready-made meals. Ultra-processed […]
By Cassie B.
Conflict of interest: Coca-Cola funded more than 40 studies on childhood obesity – and they all failed to disclose the firm’s financial influence
Childhood obesity is a complex epidemic, with lots of factors playing a role in the problem at the general and individual levels. Nevertheless, many weight problems can be boiled down to two driving forces: inactivity and poor eating choices. When fingers started pointing to soft drinks maker Coca-Cola for playing a role in the problem, […]
By Cassie B.
California becoming a fast food police state: $1,000 fine for waiters who serve plastic straws with beverages
California often makes headlines for its groundbreaking legislation, but a recently proposed law is getting attention for all the wrong reasons. AB 1884 would see waiters hit with a $1,000 fine and/or six months in jail for offering guests plastic straws in their drinks. The bill was introduced by Democratic California Assembly Majority Floor Leader […]
By Cassie B.
Sugar sticker shock in Seattle: New tax on sweetened beverages more than DOUBLES the price on some items
A new tax on sugary drinks that went into effect in Seattle at the beginning of the month has caused the price of some products there to double, and residents are voicing their unhappiness with the new rule. Seattle joined several other American cities in taxing sodas and other beverages sweetened with sugar. The city’s […]
By Cassie B.
Chemicals in food promote obesity, disrupt hormones
As obesity numbers continue to break records in the U.S. and many places throughout the world, health-conscious individuals are increasingly looking to their diet to try to maintain a healthy weight. Most of these people look out for ingredients like high-fructose corn syrup and trans fats – and rightfully so, as regular consumption of such […]
By Cassie B.
Food preserving chemicals linked to hormone disruption and obesity, according to new study
Most people are aware that the chemicals found in food preservatives are rather unhealthy. Even those who continue to eat such foods generally realize on some level that they are not doing their bodies any favors. However, a new study shows that such chemicals are not just toxic; they could also be the reason people […]
By Cassie B.
New CDC report claims only 10% of Americans get their daily requirement of fruits and vegetables
We all know that fruits and vegetables are healthy, but are you eating enough of them? Even if you feel like you eat far more of these foods than most people you know, there is still a good chance that you’re failing to hit the recommended minimum. The CDC has just issued a report stating […]
By Cassie B.
Proof junk food is like a drug: Researchers found sugary and fatty foods distract people twice as much as healthy snacks
When you’re hard at work and you get into that highly productive “zone,” it might feel like nothing can stop you. However, scientists have shown that junk food can snap you right out of focus – even if you only see it subliminally. In the study, which was carried out by scientists at Johns Hopkins […]
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