The demand for organic produce extends far beyond the health food crowd, with news stories constantly emerging of big brands …
A team of researchers have created a new method in monitoring traces of perfluorinated compounds (PFAS), chemicals commonly used in …
After the food-safety scandals in 2015 that affected at least 491 people and the steady market decline that came with …
Health care specialists have been advising the general public to cut back on fast food consumption for years, and for …
Typically when we order fast food, we think we know what we’re getting into; overly processed food that has been …
In the fight for $15 championed by social justice activists, the minimum wage worker may actually wind up getting pummeled, …
A food science story is rapidly going viral, claiming that Subway’s Oven-Roasted Chicken is only 50% chicken, with the rest …
McDonald’s is feeling the burn as fewer people choose to dine out, and more people choose to cook at home. …
“Clean food” and “fast-food” are two terms that most of us never dreamed would one day be related. But as …
Though it is true that more and more people are becoming aware of the negative impact that eating junk food …