food safety
By Frances Bloomfield
The hidden health dangers of microwave popcorn
When it comes to snacking, popcorn is usually thought of as one of the healthier snacks out there. It’s low in calories, rich in antioxidants, and offers a satisfying way to get your daily fill of whole grain goodness. But that’s if you opt for plain, air-popped popcorn. According to, microwave popcorn is anything […]
By Jayson Veley
Doctor WARNS: Your popular foods are filled with bug parts and animal feathers
The next time you go to the grocery store, you might want to think twice about what you’re putting in your shopping cart. According to John Swartzberg or Berkeley’s School of Public Health, many types of foods contain bizarre and even shocking ingredients that most people don’t even know about. Below is a list of […]
By Zoey Sky
Chinese fast food might give you high blood pressure; it can have the same salt content as TEN bags of chips
An investigation has revealed that Chinese fast food, which contains “harmful amounts of salt,” should come with a health warning. Campaigners in Britain revealed that favorites like sweet and sour chicken and egg fried rice are some of the worst offenders. Action on Salt, the group of specialists that carried out the investigation, urged health authorities to set “tough new […]
By Jessica Dolores
How safe is your food’s packaging?
If you’re like most people, you load cereal boxes, loaves of bread in transparent plastic and other must-haves into the grocery cart without knowing that they passed through a lot of hands before they reached the shelves. Little do you know that the thin plastic wrap which is supposed to protect the fresh tomatoes you […]
By Vicki Batts
PUTRID MEAT: Filthy conditions uncovered in pig and chicken meat plants
Industrial farming has been heavily scrutinized by animal rights activists, promoters of plant-based eating and other groups, but their concerns about the industry have long been ignored. While there are many facets of the meat industry that are quite troubling, the shocking sanitation failures in the meat industry, uncovered by recently disclosed government records, will […]
By Edsel Cook
U.S. livestock raised for food found to have HUGE levels of antibiotics – five times more than what is allowed in the U.K.
British consumers got quite the shock when they discovered that antibiotic levels in the meat products they’re planning to buy from the U.S. have gone through the barn roof. American farm animals are dosed with several times the antibiotics given to locally-raised livestock, reported The Guardian. According to newly-acquired research data from the Alliance to Save […]
By Isabelle Z.
Food preserving chemicals linked to hormone disruption and obesity, according to new study
Most people are aware that the chemicals found in food preservatives are rather unhealthy. Even those who continue to eat such foods generally realize on some level that they are not doing their bodies any favors. However, a new study shows that such chemicals are not just toxic; they could also be the reason people […]
By Mike Adams
Corrosion inhibitor chemical found in thousands of hot dogs, bacon, sausage and processed meat products
A powerful corrosion inhibitor chemical used in wood stove boilers is also deliberately added to most processed meats in the United States, a Natural News investigation has found. Dozens of popular brands of hot dogs, bacon, sausage, lunch meat, sandwich ham and cured meats are sold in grocery stores across America that carry the rust […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Mother of three contracts BOTULISM from disgusting gas station nacho cheese
When Lavinia Kelly stopped by Valley Oak Food & Fuel gas station, all she wanted was a nacho cheese-soaked serving of Doritos. Instead, she became one of at least five people to contract botulism from the convenience store’s savory condiment. According to, her quick trip to the deli area of the Walnut Grove gas […]
By Earl Garcia
Microwave dinners made with horrifying ingredients: Human hair, meat glue, processed sugars and more
Microwave ready dinners have gained greater traction over the years due in part to the convenience they offer amid the bustling lifestyle of today’s generation. In fact, data from the National Food Survey revealed that reliance on ready-made meals significantly increased since 1970s in the U.K. alone. Another survey from showed that the amount […]
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