By Carol Anderson
Women trying to conceive should ditch the junk food and eat more fruit, says new study
There are many factors that can affect a woman’s fertility. Recently it was found that women who ate more junk food and less fruit take longer to conceive. According to a study published in the Human Reproduction journal, evidence shows that healthier diets help make women become more fertile. Australian researchers at the University of Adelaide, spearheaded […]
By Zoey Sky
How to detox yourself from sugar: A day-by-day guide
Did you know that quitting sugar can help lower your risk of developing diabetes, heart disease and liver disease? These health conditions have two things in common: Sugar as a culprit, and they all have a place in the list of top 15 causes of death. If your diet consists of sugar-rich foods, your blood pressure can skyrocket. […]
By Zoey Sky
Here’s why we’re willing to pay more for unhealthy foods we crave, according to science
According to a study, we don’t usually mind paying for unhealthy foods, especially when we’re craving for some chocolates or chips. Results from neuroscience research have determined that we’ll pay more for bigger portions of the food that we crave. The research, which was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences […]
By Michelle Simmons
No matter how well you eat, too much salt still causes high blood pressure, according to new study
It does not matter how healthy a person’s overall diet is, consuming too much salt still causes high blood pressure, according to a study published in the journal Hypertension. The study was conducted by a team of researchers from different institutions, which included the Imperial College London and Northwestern University, who looked at the diets of more […]
By Isabelle Z.
New CDC report claims only 10% of Americans get their daily requirement of fruits and vegetables
We all know that fruits and vegetables are healthy, but are you eating enough of them? Even if you feel like you eat far more of these foods than most people you know, there is still a good chance that you’re failing to hit the recommended minimum. The CDC has just issued a report stating […]
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