prevent disease
By Tracey Watson
Communities that restrict trans fats in their food have fewer residents admitted to hospital for heart attack and stroke
Saturated fats, monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, trans fats … It can get quite difficult to get the rules straight regarding fats and their impact on our health. There are good and bad fats as well as natural and unnatural fats, and cutting out all fat is not necessarily the healthiest option. One thing is for […]
By Zoey Sky
How to detox yourself from sugar: A day-by-day guide
Did you know that quitting sugar can help lower your risk of developing diabetes, heart disease and liver disease? These health conditions have two things in common: Sugar as a culprit, and they all have a place in the list of top 15 causes of death. If your diet consists of sugar-rich foods, your blood pressure can skyrocket. […]
By Isabelle Z.
Skyrocketing cancer rates driven by processed food, warn researchers
If you’re still eating processed foods, the latest study in the British Medical Journal should be enough to steer you away from this dangerous habit. That’s because French researchers have found that the skyrocketing rates of cancer deaths can be pinned on the popularity of processed foods like sodas, sugary cereals, and ready-made meals. Ultra-processed […]
By Rhonda Johansson
Junk food fuels the cancer industry: New research finds diabetes and obesity cause nearly 800,000 cancers worldwide
We need to have a discussion on how much your lifestyle affects your health. Movements regarding body positivity and self-love claim that “health [comes] at every size” (otherwise known as the HAES movement) but science constantly debunks this with evidence that proves that carrying excess fat is not compassionate to one’s self, nor at all […]
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